Friday, October 30, 2009

zombie mode....zzzz

I am kinda going through this zombie mode right now, and not because it's Halloween or anything, but because I am not so good at sleeping other places than my own bed. Right now I am with Joe at his parent's house in the Northwest Indiana area. They live out in the middle of the country in a beautiful old farm house. But, since its windy its kind of creepy out and the old house makes lots of noise. Not so bad-- but I hear voices. In the dining room is a EMT radio that is always on... and I hear a series of tones then the voice of the dispatcher. Creepy.

So, I am working more with the Delaware County EMA now and have been put in charge of making them a super awesome website. I am working with a software called, "RapidWeaver". It's proving to me more trouble than I anticipated. I want to post some of the pictures that they had given me, but for some reason it keeps loading my entire iPhoto.... not soo good!!

Speaking of photos--- I have some to share! As you know I bought Joe's Wedding Band last week, and I've been very good at keeping it a secret! Well, I wanted to be cute and propose to him- so I did and he has been wearing it any chance that he gets! :D hehe
Well, we went to Minnetrista, in Muncie to take some pictures in the beautiful fall landscape.This is my Joe. He picked this spot, and I would have gotten a picture of me next to him, but my batteries died! :( sadness

It's great what you can do with a tripod!! :D
There are not too many pictures because the brand new batteries that I got failed me!!
We are going to try again as soon as the weather cooperates. :D

Well, I hope everyone has a fantastic and SAFE Halloween!!!


  1. Cute pictures! I hope the dispatchers got quieter so you could get some sleep.

  2. Those are great pictures!!!
