Today we did some kickin' awesome cleaning for Joe's get together at the house. Unfortunately, I found some mold in the bathroom and made the mistake of cleaning it up without wearing a mask and now I feel like I have a bunch of crap in my lungs. :(

I got the most amazing gift yesterday for helping my friends with their computer issues.
She made the snowman with a 5 gallon bucket that has stuffing around the outside of it. Then Felt, Lights, candy and spray on snow. Its BEAUTIFUL!! :D

We also have our Christmas tree up. It's table top size just because we have NO room in my house for a tree anymore with the sofa, cuddler recliner and love seat.
Well tonight Joe has friends coming over for the UFC fight on Pay-Per-View. I am excited to have company and glad that Joe finally is able to hang out with the guys.
We made cookie brownie bars, cheese and smoked sausage, chips and salsa!
Well, I am finished with my last week of classes and now I am going to study like mad for my Math final that is on Friday. The only bad part is that I work over 40 hours this week.
Did I mention that I have a job interview on Monday??
Thanks to Sarah Wood I am going to try and work at Meridian Services Part time to make some more money before the wedding. I am also going to start giving plasma as well to get some extra money. It has been some hard times lately. We have been living paycheck to paycheck this entire year. I am hoping that we can get more financially stable next year!
(Probably not anytime soon in this crappy economy.)
Time to go and cut the brownies and make my cute little food display for the guys. :D
Aren't I just the lil' Suzie Homemaker!?
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