Today, I went to campus and helped a complete stranger with the parking meter. Then, I went to class and had a great time learning about patterns. Then, I talked to my adviser and teachers about classes that I am taking. Found out that I do not have to buy a $45 book for one class, then that the other class will not have a book for at least a week while the bookstore purchases the correct book. Then, went to get my parking pass for this fall. I stood in line for about an hour and during that time I taught kids about Deaf Culture, awareness, and possibly recruited them to join my club! My club is the BSU SPUR, which stands for Special People United in Riding. Its hippotherapy for kids and adults with special needs. Its AWESOME! I volunteered there tonight and got bit by a horse about every three minutes. Then, I went also to my second class of the CERT training. That stands for Community Emergency Response Team. You can go to their website to learn more at:
Well I hope everyone has a great day and reaches out to help someone tomorrow. Or perhaps share knowledge on a subject that you know!
oh wow...! thank you. i love the colors and layout of your blog and i will surely continue to come back and read more. good luck with school. my younger sister is a lead teacher at a daycare center for autism. she's great at it, learning your profile reminded me how her. i think its an amazing thing you're doing. have a blessed day.