I am super happy with how the keyboard is... with its back lit keys. I love the new iLife '09. I also am in love with this new iPod Touch! I got it because it is free after rebate. Its fantastic!! I think that perhaps someday I will have to switch from Verizon to AT&T so I can get an iPhone. I thought that it would be hard to type on,

I went to Wal-Mart right after work so I could get a screen protector and case for

So, I can not figure out how to get my gmail on the right timezone. I thought I could change it in the settings but I am not figuring it out. If you're reading this right now and know how to do it, please let me know!!

So, I am going to continue the transfer of the old computer over to my new baby... I need to name the laptop. Any suggestions??
I just ran across some hilarious pictures on my computer. I think they were from one of those fwd emails that I get quite often. I just opened the iPhoto to drag in some crazy fun pictur
es. I am going to put them on here. I would tell you who and where they are from, but I do not know. I do hope you enjoy them though. I will add more sometime later.

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